Providing Hospice & Palliative Care in Orangeburg, Bamberg, & Calhoun Counties

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When Is it Time to Make Choices Like End of Life Care?

Making big decisions like moving to end of life care is not easy for families. These variables can help families determine when the timing is right.
End of Life Care Branchville SC - When Is it Time to Make Choices Like End of Life Care?
End of Life Care Branchville SC - When Is it Time to Make Choices Like End of Life Care?

As seniors near the end of life, they have a lot of decisions to make related to the care they want to receive. Those decisions are often overwhelming, but it’s also possible that they’re not able to make those decisions on their own. Family caregivers can feel as if they’re not sure when it’s right to make certain choices, either, like making the move to end of life care services.

When is it time to make that choice? These variables can help families determine when the timing is right.

Disease Progression

Family caregivers need to talk with healthcare providers about how the life-limiting illnesses or other end-of-life conditions are progressing. Understanding the prognosis is crucial because it helps healthcare providers and family caregivers know when the timeframe matches up with hospice recommendations. Medical providers typically recommend hospice when patients are expected to live only six more months.


Another factor to consider is whether seniors are spending more time in the hospital than they have in the past. Increasing frequency of hospital visits could point to the senior’s condition worsening or to treatments no longer working as well as they did in the past. End of life care involves taking care of a variety of different symptoms and situations that might have previously sent someone to the hospital.

Ability to Perform Daily Activities

If seniors are experiencing increased difficulty with daily tasks and activities, that could be a sign that their condition is worsening significantly. As health worsens, seniors often have more trouble with tasks like bathing, dressing, and eating. Hospice can help seniors with these activities while also managing symptoms.

Quality of Life

When quality of life diminishes, this is a big signal that seniors are having more trouble with daily life. At this point, seniors may raise questions about abandoning curative treatments and therapies in favor of comfort and managing symptoms more effectively. Relying less on more aggressive treatments allows families to improve the senior’s quality of life, even as illnesses progress.

End of Life Care Branchville SC - When Is it Time to Make Choices Like End of Life Care?
End of Life Care Branchville SC – When Is it Time to Make Choices Like End of Life Care?

Emotional Considerations

There are a lot of different emotional considerations to keep in mind, too. This stage of life brings with it so many feelings and worries, not just for seniors, but also for the family members who love them. When seniors are closer to the end of life, they may feel more anxiety about medical treatments. It’s important to pay attention to how these emotional reactions affect seniors and their daily activities. If emotional overwhelm and other related issues are becoming more of a concern, then end of life care could offer some assistance in managing those issues.

End of life care isn’t about giving up. It’s about focusing on helping seniors to be as comfortable as possible and to have the best possible quality of life at this stage. Seniors can get the care that they need at home, around the people they love. There’s no wrong time to make the shift to hospice, but looking more closely at what seniors are experiencing and what they need can help families make a more informed decision.

If you or your aging loved one could benefit from End of Life Care Services in Branchville SC, contact the caring staff at Grove Park Hospice, at (803)536-6644.

Providing Hospice & Palliative Care in Orangeburg, Bamberg, & Calhoun Counties.

Debbie Hare, LMSW

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