Providing Hospice & Palliative Care in Orangeburg, Bamberg, & Calhoun Counties

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Spiritual Support with the Help of Hospice Care

End-of-life decisions aren’t just about healthcare decisions and needs. Spiritual concerns and support are important, too.
Hospice Care Denmark SC - Spiritual Support with the Help of Hospice Care
Hospice Care Denmark SC - Spiritual Support with the Help of Hospice Care

The end of life is full of big questions for seniors and the people who love them. Many of those questions are about meaning, purpose, and spirituality. Hospice care services can do a lot to help aging adults find some of the answers they might be seeking. There are hospice chaplains and hospice can help families to find other resources if they need more help with these issues. These issues don’t have to revolve around specific religious beliefs or faith traditions, either.

Tailored Support for Patients and Families

Every senior’s spiritual situation is different. Some seniors have a strong religious background and might be deeply involved in a church community. Others may not have that same background but still need help with the spiritual aspect of facing the end of life. Still, others may have never been to church regularly and may not even have a set of spiritual beliefs. Each senior’s care plan around spiritual support is going to look different, and that’s okay. If seniors decide they want more or less spiritual support, that can be adjusted along the way.

Active Listening

Spiritual support involves primarily ensuring that seniors feel that they have someone who can listen to them. When seniors and family members can express their feelings, fears, anxieties, and more, it’s much easier to work through them. Active listening means that care providers, chaplains, and spiritual leaders ask open-ended questions while offering non-judgemental support. They also pay attention to non-verbal cues and allow people to fully express what they’re feeling.

Respecting Individual Beliefs

Hospice chaplains and related spiritual support members are there to respect all spiritual beliefs and traditions without causing additional discomfort or upset. The goal of hospice care isn’t to impose a specific faith or belief on anyone else at all. It’s about meeting people where they are and doing everything possible to help them with their needs. Faith and spirituality exist in a variety of different ways and that’s something that hospice respects. Seniors who don’t have any specific spiritual beliefs can still receive benefits from talking with hospice chaplains.

Hospice Care Denmark SC - Spiritual Support with the Help of Hospice Care
Hospice Care Denmark SC – Spiritual Support with the Help of Hospice Care

Benefits of Spiritual Support

Paying attention to spiritual needs at the end of life offers a variety of different benefits. Many seniors experience reduced anxiety and depression. Seniors may also feel more acceptance about where they are in this phase of life. As people near the end of life, they may find it easier to talk with the people they love as they sort through their feelings. Talking with spiritual support members through hospice care helps families find purpose and meaning in what’s happening. It can also offer comfort as the end comes closer.

Hospice care offers a great deal of support with physical symptoms and other end-of-life concerns. But there are other areas where hospice offers a lot of support, especially when it comes to emotional and spiritual needs. Hospice chaplains offer a listening ear and can help patients sort through how they’re feeling about the big questions they’re facing at the end of life.

If you or your aging loved one could benefit from Hospice Care Services in Denmark SC, contact the caring staff at Grove Park Hospice, at (803)536-6644.

Providing Hospice & Palliative Care in Orangeburg, Bamberg, & Calhoun Counties.

Debbie Hare, LMSW

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